
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Best Price Nutrition Review, Part III - Wholemega

Part three of my Best Price Nutrition reviews!  Remember that at the end of these reviews (there are four total), there will be a giveaway and one winner will be able to choose a full-sized bottle of supplements from the ones I've reviewed to try.

I received a five-day trial size of New Chapter Wholemega, which is a whole fish oil supplement.  It's made of 100% Extra-Virgin Wild Alaskan Salmon.  I've heard a lot about the health benefits of whole fish oil, so I was interested to give these a try.  If you aren't familiar with fish oil, the label states that it is "clinically shown to reduce triglyceride levels."  In layman's terms, triglycerides are the main constituents of natural fats and oils (yes, I had to look up the definition, haha).

These pills are big and I had the most difficulty swallowing them out of all of the supplements I received.  It took a few tries with a lot of applesauce!  But someone who is used to taking vitamins and supplements would surely have no problem with these.  They're smooth gel capsules, too, which made them easier for me to take than a pill with a chalky consistency.

Wholemega is different than conventional fish oil because the extra-virgin process used to extract Wholemega delivers an oil that is striking in color (an orange-ish bronze) and transparency.  The gentle, food-grade process preserves beneficial compounds like Vitamin D3 and Astaxanthin (which the brilliant hue of the pills comes from).  The antioxidant is naturally found in Wild Salmon and abundant in this Extra-Virgin fish oil.

Bottom Line: These supplements didn't make me feel any different, but I'm impressed by the process in which they are made.  I don't think I would invest in a full-sized bottle at the moment, but it's clear to me that these are beneficial to those who are interested in taking a fish oil supplement.

*Disclaimer: I received a 5-day trial bottle of Wholemega for free to facilitate my review.  I was not monetarily compensated for this review and the honest opinions are entirely my own.

1 comment:

  1. I've been taking Nature Made fish oil softgels for ages, fish oil is really helpful in reducing coronary heart disease and more. I'm getting low, I may just have to compare the two brands and see which one would be best. What a great review.


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