
Saturday, December 17, 2011

FRUIT ENZYME Micro Scrub by, an independent retailer of salon-quality skincare products, has created a new product called FRUIT ENZYME Micro Scrub.  It combines the natural benefits of papaya, mango, orange, and pineapple fruit enzymes to soften and polish your skin.

The papaya extract is known for its exfoliating properties and its ability to reduce sun spots and freckles caused by sun exposure.  Mango extract is great for moisturizing, and the antioxidants found in mangoes are able to repair skin damage caused by the elements and offer UV protection.  Orange extract has a mild bleaching property, which makes it ideal for treating age spots.  It is also a rich source of Vitamin E, and aids in the reduction of wrinkles and fine lines.  The astringent properties of Orange extract help reduce acne and blemishes.  Lastly, Pineapple extract offers moisturizing and anti-aging effects.  The sugars and derivatives in pineapple enhance skin's elasticity, resilience, and softness and are able to remove damaged skin.  All of these properties combine to create a micro scrub that targets multiple skin concerns, from sun spots to wrinkles.

I think that the enzyme that would most help my skin would be the Orange extract, for reducing blemishes on my uneven skin.  I am excited to have found out about and their new FRUIT ENZYME Micro Scrub, and hope to try it out soon.

Learn more about the FRUIT ENZYME Micro Scrub by visiting here.

*Disclaimer: I will be receiving a sample of FRUIT ENZYME Micro Scrub from for writing this post.  I was not otherwise compensated for this post.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for entering the giveaway!
    And congratulations on your awesome blog :)


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