
Friday, February 28, 2014

Liebster Award!

I have seen buttons for the Liebster Award around other blogs, but I never knew what it was for.  I just assumed that it was (obviously) an award given to bloggers for great content.  Little did I know that it's actually even better than that -- it's passed along from blogger to blogger as a way of making connections and recognizing other blogs you enjoy!

I was nominated by Brandi over at That Saucey Mama, thank you Brandi!  She has a really fun blog with lots of great beauty reviews, be sure to check her out.

Here are some more details on how the Liebster Award works:

  • You must link back to the person who nominated you.
  • You must answer the 11 questions given by the person who nominated you.
  • You pick 11 nominees to answer your questions.
  • You cannot nominate the person who nominated you. (This keeps the wheel in motion.)
  • You must let the nominees know that they've been nominated by you. (How else will they know, duh?!)

And here are Brandi's questions for her nominees:

  1. What made you want to start a blog?
    I was an English major in college and I've always enjoyed writing, so blogging gave me an outlet to do so after graduation.  I decided to start a product review blog because I love buying new things, and the first place I turn to before trying out a product (especially makeup) is the blogosphere.  I figured I could share my insight about certain things and hopefully it would help someone else out there make a decision on whether or not to purchase a product.
  2. If you were given a shopping spree, in what store would you choose to use it?
    Probably either Sephora or Michael Kors.  Can I pick both?
  3. Do you wear makeup everyday, or just on special occasions?
    I wear makeup most days, but usually not on the weekends or if I'm not going anywhere.
  4. Who is your favorite band/singer/musician?
    This is a tough question for me because I like a lot of different musicians, but I don't have one single favorite band or singer.  I appreciate songwriters, people who play their own instruments, and people who truly sing from the heart.  I'll most likely give a listen to anyone who falls into one or more of those categories (some favorites are Guster and Carbon Leaf).
  5. What is the one thing, no matter how crap your day was, that can make you smile?
    My pets!  I have a Siamese mix named Bing (The Bing Thing) and a rabbit named Gus.  They both have very distinct personalities and I love playing with, and even just observing them.
  6. Are you a tech junkie, or just a tech user?
    I don't think I would qualify as a tech junkie, but I am a tech user.  Maybe the best term would be "tech appreciator."  I love my laptop, iPad, and iPhone, but I don't have to have them.  I also rarely buy new technology when it first comes out.
  7. If you were a lip product, what product and color would you be? (lipstick, gloss, balm...)
    I would be Badger Balm Lip Balm.  Not only is it my favorite lip product, but it's like me because it's not too flashy and it gets the job done (with great efficacy).
  8. What is your favorite type of blog post to read/write?
    I love to both read and write reviews of subscription boxes.  I can't afford to subscribe to as many as I'd like to try, so it's really fun to see what comes in each box every month from other bloggers.
  9. What is your go to type of outfit?
    Honestly, if I could live in sweatpants and a t-shirt I would!  But when I need to look presentable, I like pairing a button-up with jeans (or dress pants for work).  It's a simple look but it always looks great and can be dressed up in a lot of different ways with accessories.
  10. Do you have a favorite meal to cook?
    I like to cook Chicken Milanese because it's easy and delicious, but I don't know if it's my favorite thing to cook.  I don't really have a favorite thing to cook because I don't love cooking.
  11. Are you a glass half full, or glass half empty person?
    Everyone hates my answer to this question, but I'm really just a "the glass is there" person, I don't care whether it's half full or half empty, because every situation is different and sometimes I'm feeling optimistic, and other times I'll feel more pessimistic.

And here are the blogs I nominate, and my questions for them!  If you're on this list, don't feel obligated to play along, but definitely feel free to if it tickles your fancy.

Rebecca at Soap Deli News
Chung-Ah at Damn Delicious
Karen at Unpack the Box!

  1. What has been your favorite blog post to write?
  2. Where is your dream vacation destination?
  3. Do you have any pets?
  4. If you could star in any film, which would it be?
  5. How would you spend your perfect day off?
  6. What's the best bit of advice you've ever been given?
  7. Do you have any quirky habits that you don't mind sharing?
  8. If you could go back in time, would you?  Which era would you choose?
  9. What is your favorite book?
  10. What's your favorite form of artistic expression?
  11. When was the last time you had a great meal?


  1. Hi Danielle, thank you so much for nominating me! That was very sweet! I really enjoyed reading your answers. Siamese are so much love.

    1. You're welcome!

      They really are...mine is such a brat at times, too, but she's so cute the rest of the time that it's okay haha.


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