
Thursday, March 26, 2015

Facial Smoothies Wrinkle Removal Strips Review

When I first heard about Facial Smoothies I thought they were a mask made with delicious ingredients like strawberries because, well, smoothies!  Turns out that they do not actually have anything to do with edible fruit smoothies, but they will help your skin stay nice and smooth!

*Disclaimer: This product was sent to See, Shop, Love! for review purposes.

I'm still in my 20s so I don't yet have any problems with wrinkles; however, a little preventive care can't hurt.  With Facial Smoothies, you can train your skin to stay looking young even if you don't already have wrinkles.

These hypoallergenic strips take control of your skin's contour, like how an iron removes wrinkles.  They actively flatten your skin and hold it that way to train it to stay smooth.  You simply apply a strip to your face with your fingers and let it do the work!

The only way  you can avoid wrinkles is to not move your face, ever.  Just like how manipulating your face can cause wrinkles, the same manipulation can smooth away the crevices caused by smiling, frowning, and the link.  Facial Smoothies offer a variety of strip shapes and sizes, so you're sure to find one that will fit the area you want to target.

A box of Facial Smoothies comes with 120 strips and costs only $15.95.  Since they're reusable (stick them back on the sheet if you wish to save them), you can stretch their value even further!

Now, what you're about to see next may scare you, so I apologize for that!

Ahhh, me without makeup!  But with the Facial Smoothies on!  I have one strip across my forehead and two on my cheeks.  As I said, I don't have wrinkles, but I placed these in places that I know wrinkles can form.  There are also two smaller strips, maybe about an inch long, that I'll apply along my smile lines on the sides of my mouth next time.

The strips are super easy to apply.  You just remove the size you want, hold your skin taunt, and then apply.  Larger strips should be applied starting from the middle and smoothing out.  The instructions recommend that people with sensitive skin put on moisturizer before applying these, so that's what I did: I washed my face as normal, put on my moisturizer, then used the strips.  You should leave them on for 20 minutes for your very first use, but after that you can apply them for as little as 30 minutes or as long as 12 hours if you'd like.  The instructions say that back sleepers can wear them overnight, but they're pretty adhesive so I think stomach sleepers like me could wear them overnight, too.

I was obviously aware that these were on my face but I didn't find them to be irritating.  Removing them was a little bit more annoying because they do stick to your face, but it's about the same feeling as removing a bandage.  They don't hurt to remove, but you are aware of the sensation, if that makes sense.  They didn't leave any residue on my face and my skin felt normal after removing them.
Bottom Line: While I can't speak on how well these smooth existing wrinkles, I can say that I think they're a great affordable product for wrinkle prevention!  I will definitely be working these into my nightly skincare routine in hopes of keeping wrinkles away for as long as I can.

What do you think of Facial Smoothies? Would you give them a try?


  1. These look interesting. I have very faint forehead and laugh lines, so I'm curious to see if Smoothies would actually do anything to them. And if they don't work I'll just make myself a fruit smoothie instead, lol.

    1. I wish I could provide more info on whether or not they worked for wrinkles, but they adhere pretty tightly so I feel like they would probably work for at least a little while?

  2. I have used Facial Smoothies and I can tell you they work incredibly well!!! I'm not in my 20's (older) and with regular use they have really helped to flatten out my lines. They are inexpensive & reusable...I have recommended these to a lot of my friends and we can't get enough of them!!

    1. Ooh glad to hear that they work so well for you, I definitely plan on using them in the long-term!


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