
Monday, January 29, 2018

Badger Balm Haul and $5 Off Coupon

Once every few months I like to re-stock my Badger Balm collection. They're my favorite skincare brand and I always like to have some of their balms handy.

*Disclaimer: Not a sponsored post.

There's a lot to love about Badger: they're Leaping Bunny certified as cruelty-free, they use USDA organic ingredients, and they're a Certified B Corporation (companies receive a certification from B Lab, a non-profit organization, signifying their excellence in accountability in business and for a commitment to bringing forth positive social change.

I love Badger for their continued commitment to making the world a better place, but also because their products are amazing! Their Original Badger Balm works better than anything I've ever used for dry, chapped skin. They also have lots of aromatherapy balms, lip balms, skincare, sunscreen, and more! They also have a line of men's products, including beard care.

I restocked on three balms: Sleep Balm, Sore Muscle Rub, and Original. They're all 2 ounces and range from $7.99 to $9.99.

My hands get so cracked in the wintertime. It's really painful and annoying, and other lotions just sit on top of my skin. The Original Badger Balm is my favorite product because it really sinks deep into skin to provide long-lasting moisture and relief. It's an olive oil base, so upon application it may feel different than a regular lotion you may be used to. But just give it a few seconds to absorb into your skin and I promise you'll notice how long it lasts! It also contains beeswax so it's not vegan, but the other ingredients are minimal (see photo below) and many are USDA organic.

One tin lasts me quite a while, maybe six months or more. For only $7.99 that's a great deal! It has a faint hint of wintergreen scent, but if you're looking for something completely unscented they also have a Sensitive Skin Balm.

The Sleep Balm is another favorite of mine. It has lavender and bergamot oils for a soothing scent. I like to rub a little bit on my temples and under my nose before going to bed. I've been doing nighttime meditation and the added aromatherapy really does help me relax and drift off to sleep! It's also great to use before a yoga practice.

I picked up the Sore Muscle Rub Cooling Blend for the first time during this haul. They also have a Cayenne and Ginger warming rub, which I've used before and enjoyed. I've been favoring a cooling sensation for neck pain and general soreness, so I was curious to try this. It has peppermint and eucalyptus oils for a cooling sensation that helps calm sore muscles. I applied this to my neck and shoulders and it provided a nice cooling feeling. Nothing too intense, but enough that I could feel it working.

I also ordered two new lip balms and Badger sent a free gift of Foot Balm! I believe they add a free gift with every order. You'll also get free shipping with orders of $25 or more.

The Peppermint Lip Balm is wonderful. It gives that tingly feeling that I love and sinks deep into lips to actually provide long-lasting moisture. The Chai Rose Lip Balm smells lovely and while it doesn't give a tingly feeling, it does soothe my lips just as well. These are only $2.99 each.

My free gift came in this adorable pillow pack! Badger also has some of their artwork available in posters. I have their Master of Space and Time poster hanging up in my apartment.

I would have been happy with whatever free gift they sent, but I was especially happy to get the Foot Balm! I've used it in the past and it's worked great.

This is the smaller .75 oz tin and it retails for $5.99. The Foot Balm has peppermint and tea tree oils to soothe tired feet. Both oils also have antibacterial properties. Organic extra virgin and jojoba oils also work to deeply moisturize dry, cracked heels. I love massaging this onto my feet after a bath or shower.
Bottom Line: I love Badger Balm! They have so many different products that you're sure to find something to suit your needs. I highly recommend checking out their website -- everything is very affordable and they offer free shipping on orders of $25 or more, plus your free gift with purchase! You can read my past Badger reviews here.

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