
Monday, November 19, 2018 Product Review is an online shop that isn't exactly a subscription box, but they have everything a man (or woman!) could need for the perfect wet shave experience. I tried a few of their products and had great results!

*Disclaimer: These products were sent to See, Shop, Love! in exchange for an honest review. was founded in 2018 and provides traditional wet shaving and cartridge razor shaving products. They're based in Seattle, Washington and provide a one-stop shop for everything you could need for a great wet shave, and you can sign up to receive a monthly box of your favorite products.

Their boxes are different from other subscription services because you won't receive different products each month, but instead you'll choose what you want to purchase and receive a monthly replenishment of those items. You can, of course, always choose new products when you want to mix things up.

Even though their website is geared towards men, I wanted to try them out because ladies, we can wet shave, too! I received a basic kit to try out and used it to shave my legs. Here's what I used:
  • Anodized Safety Razor ($29.99) - Ooh, shiny! I love the colors of this razor (see photo below for a close-up). It's well-made and has good heft, which is essential for a good wet shave. The way it works is you load in the razor blade yourself and instead of pressing down to shave, you glide the razor and let the weight of it do the work for you. It actually makes for a much easier shave in my opinion, once you get the hang of it.
  • Synthetic Black Acrylic Shaving Brush ($8.99) - This brush is made with a durable, sturdy construction and can last for years if you take care of it. The bristles are soft and numerous, which makes a nice, foamy lather when mixed with the shaving cream. The handle is nice and ergonomic, too.
  • Captain's Choice North Shaving Cream (value unknown) - This particular scent isn't currently available, but I did link to the others you can purchase. The price of a full-sized tub is $14.95 for four ounces. The North scent is cool and woodsy and I love it! Just a dab of the cream lathers up really well with the shaving brush.
  • Suneko Super Stainless Double Edge Safety Razor Blades ($.75 for 5) - These blades have an innovative design with a double-stacked, knife-edge surface that slices through facial hair, or leg hair, in my case. They're very sharp, so be careful when loading them, and I'd suggest going slowly during your first go with them.

Not all of the products in the shop are available for an auto-renewal subscription, but you'll only have to purchase things like the safety razor and shave brush once. Items like the razor blades, aftershave, and shave soap are available for the subscription option. They also have disposable razors if you're not quite ready to commit to wet shaving. You can view everything available with the subscription service here.
Bottom Line: I'm very impressed by the products I received! The safety razor gave me a clean, close shave and was easy to use. A wet shave set would make a great gift for the man or woman in your life!

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