
Thursday, June 14, 2012

June Conscious Box Review

It's Conscious Box time again!  If you're new to my blog, Conscious Box is my favorite subscription service.  It costs $19 a month ($12 for the box, $7 for shipping) to receive a box that's brimming with eco-friendly lifestyle items.  I've never been disappointed in a box since I started receiving their boxes last December; in fact, I've loved every one of them!

I like how the boxes are packaged because they're fun to open and they also have minimal packaging, so the entire thing is easily recyclable.  The theme for June was "Leap into Summer," and the box contained a good variety of items to "reinvigorate the soul."

There were a few more edible items this month than in other boxes, but I like that because I've amassed quite the buildup of samples from all of my subscription services.  I can eat these and then not worry about them taking up space while they're waiting to be used.  I have a hypothesis that Conscious Box does this on purpose every few months (includes more edible things).  Anyway, here is what was included:

  • Vega One all-in-one nutritional shake - The flavor I got was Vanilla Chai which is perfect because I loooove chai!  I haven't tried this yet, but it's a plant-based dietary supplement that's dairy, gluten, and soy-free and has no sugar added.  It sounds delicious!
  • Artisana Sattva Cashew Butter - I've received samples of Artisana's Coconut Oil before (which I still haven't used, even though I've been saying I'm going to use it on my hair for months), but I have never heard of cashew butter.  It's 100% organic.  I think I'm going to try it on some crackers.
  • EBOOST - I've also gotten EBOOST in various boxes before, and if you read any of those reviews you'll know that I'm not the biggest fan of them.  This one is a little different, though; it's a Super Berry flavored natural energy shot.  I try to stay away from energy drinks and energy shots, but I'm definitely going to give this one a try because it has no caffeine or any of the usual bad stuff.
  • KO Denmark Body Lotion - This little lotion packet is Jasmine Neroli Rose scented.  I haven't opened it yet, but I like that it's a smaller size because I usually don't use all of the sample at once with the larger ones, and then I just have a half-used packet sitting around.  This one is vegan, too.
  • Nuti-Masu Life Ocean Salt - The informational card says this is one of the healthiest, purest salts in the world.  It has won the Mode Food Selection Award Gold Medal 6 times in a row...interesting.  To me, salt is salt, but this surely won't go to waste.
  • Lara Bar - I've had Lara Bars before, and I love the Apple Pie and Cookie Dough flavors.  The one I got here was Cashew Cookie, and I didn't love it.  I actually kind of thought it was gross.  These bars are also very high in calories and carbs, so they aren't a "healthy" snack, per-se.  I think these are best used as fuel while hiking or a post-workout snack.
  • Mighty Leaf Teas - I think every box I ever get has tea in it, but I don't mind because I'm a tea drinker.  The flavors I got were Organic Earl Grey and Organic Spring Jasmine.  Earl Grey is not my favorite, but the Jasmine is new to me.
  • Natural Vitality Energy28 - Look familiar?  I just reviewed this product here.
  • Savvy Boheme Natural Deodorant - This is the cutest thing, it's shaped like and is the size of a lip balm.  I'm going to throw it in my purse for whenever I might need some on-the-go refreshment.
  • Vita Rocks - I love these!  Definitely my favorite item this month.  They're so fun -- vitamins in the form of pop rocks.  The flavors were Cherry Blast and Lemon Burst, and I tried the lemon ones yesterday.
  • The Natural Newborn Bug Stopper Soap - This is interesting to me, because I don't think of soap when I think of bug repellents.  Mosquitoes love to eat me alive, so I'm not sure how well this would work for me, but I'm willing to give it a shot.
  • Kelp Krunch Seaweed Energy Bar - I love the packaging on this.  It's an organic, vegan, gluten-free energy bar.  The flavor is Original Sesame."  I'm a little hesitant to try it, but if I don't like it I'm sure someone in my household will eat it.
  • Soap Hope - The bonus item for June was a $5 gift card for  They sell a ton of different things, and all of the profits go to lifting women from poverty.  Pretty cool.
  • Post Card - The Conscious Box team included a postcard in the boxes this month, which weren't on the info card list.  Mine is a beautiful photo of birch trees (or, at least, I think they're birch trees).

Bottom Line: I probably sound like a broken record each month, but I love Conscious Box!  I'm never going to unsubscribe, unless I become financially unable to continue.  That is really the only thing I can think of that would keep me from this service!

I have more photos of the items up-close after the "read more."

*Disclaimer: I purchased this box with my own money and was not asked to review it.  The honest opinions here are entirely my own.


  1. That's a great deal to get so many goodies that you will actually like.

    1. I don't know how they manage to pack all of that stuff into the box each month, but I'm glad that they do!

  2. I'm interested to hear what you think of the Natural Newborn Bug Stopper soap after you try it - especially since you're so prone to bug attacks! A friend of mine, Christina Alba, started & owns the company, and I'm trying to help her spread the word a bit. So I would love to see an honest review after you've had a chance to try it out this summer!

    1. Sure thing! I haven't tried it yet, but when I do I can definitely post a review.

  3. Hi there! Christina from Natural Newborn here. Hope you get a chance to try the bug stopper soap. We'd love to here what you think of it. We also offer a more traditional spray on formula if the soap isn't your thing. ;)


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