At first I wasn't sure if I loved the handbag I got. It looked really cute on the site, but when I got it in person I considered sending it back. But since LBB isn't always great with giving equally valued items for exchanges (meaning they might give me a bag similar in monetary value, but it's one of the sale items or just something that doesn't trade well at all), I decided to keep it. I figure I can always sell it on eBay in the future if I get sick of it. But anyway, here's the list of what I got:
- Olivia and Joy Expose Hobo, retail is $88
- Geranium Leaf Cuff, $14
- Goose Creek Candle Co Pillar Candle in Burning Oak, $12
I know that for most LBBers this seems like a pretty measly haul, but I'm satisfied with it. I wouldn't be so thrilled to get only three items with a $49.95 bag, but I'd rather have one big item (a handbag) and a few smaller ones that I'll actually use than five or six jewelry items that I won't wear. I'm pretty picky about my jewelry and I don't often find a great amount of pieces on LBB that I like.
For a more in-depth look at my items, watch my unboxing video:
More photos of my items are available after the "read more."
*Disclaimer: I purchased this bag and was not asked to review it. I was not compensated for this review in any way.
Cute items! I love the cuff
ReplyDeleteThanks! I like Geranium's jewelry, it's really cute and affordable.