I got three items in this bag for a total retail value of $148. I was pretty happy with it all for the price, but I can't say I would have gone out and paid full retail price for any of these items.
- Street Level Basic Satchel, $88
- Mocha Swirl Embellished Earrings, $28
- Cejon Aztec Neckwrap, $32
Check out my unboxing video below for my review of the items. One thing I'd like to mention that I forgot to add in the video was that I paid a little extra this time to get the 2-5 day shipping, and it wasn't any faster (so I won't be doing that again). It still took a week because they ship it through UPS Standard, as opposed to Economy with USPS. Since UPS doesn't doesn't ship on Saturdays like USPS does, my wait was still just as long as if I had picked Economy.
I skipped my bag for February since I bought two in January, and I may or may not purchase one in March. LBB is a lot of fun, but unless they release a purse that I absolutely must have I'm going to try to hold off on buying them just because I want to focus my money elsewhere for a little while.
More photos of my items after the "read more."
*Disclaimer: I purchased this with my own money and was not asked to review it. I was not compensated for this post and the honest opinions here are entirely my own.
such a pretty bag !!
ReplyDeleteThank you! I'm loving it a lot more than I expected :)